Thursday, January 28, 2010

Destination Unknown.!

I stand on a cross-road, wondering where to go,
To look for an M, or live like a B.
Many found the way, only few remain,
And I stand here, confused and consoled.
I tried hard to achieve, whatever I can,
But rejection came all way, playing me prank.
I want to be honest and play my game fair,
Will that let me success & bring me my share.?
A hope is all, I have this time,
That one fine day "I'll Rise and Shine".! =]

A Hope !

They say that-"Opportunity comes just once."
Did I get one or I got none?
Has it already come, or is yet to come?

They say that-"Failure is the key to success".
Tired of rejection, enough of appreciation,

Life is a mess, no more fun,
Finding a job is the thing to be done,
Failure seems to shine with every morning sun,
Is it my fate, or God's own pun?

Still I have a hope to rise and shine,
Impatient to hear the word "Well Done".! =]